Monday, May 21, 2007

Daily New Features/Updates

Today we've made the following enhancements:
  • FTC Compliant Customer Information Deletion. In the dealership settings area you will now find a new section which will allow you to specify how long to keep Bad/Lost prospect personal identification. Leave at 0 to keep the data indefinitely.
  • Hotwatch can now be directed at anyone in CRM. When you assign a customer to hotwatch status you can now direct who will see the status on their myday. Clicking 'remove hotwatch' now removes the customer from your myday rather than the default salesperson.
  • We've added an employee number field for CRM users. Dealerships can print this on forms to identify their salespeople and mangers.
  • In ILM you can now determine how long a lead stays in the Urgent folder in the default status durations area of the control panel. the default is 3 days.
  • ILM/CRM - We've added "email" field as a criteria for Customer Ownership Change
  • In CRM you can now print MyDay's by team or for an individual sales rep
  • Speed Baby Speed and we've added even more. Like a good car person, I can never get enough torque in this baby.

OK, that's enough for today... more to come tomorrow.
